This blog is being created under the most ordinary of circumstances. Eschewing the grand tradition of beginning a blog with a momentous declaration of purpose, I welcome you to Jimmy-Watch as I sit at home in suburban New Jersey, still wondering what happened to that lovely thing we call college. I have been given two absolutely wonderful months to do with what I please. If you have any doubts that these months are wonderful, then may I present to you exhibit A: This Blog, which you are reading, one of my many gifts to humanity. You’re welcome.
What am I doing with my time off? I have been busy looking for my friend Henry. Please spread the word. It looks so easy to make a viral video, but it is not. Only 62 views? Come on, people.
At this point, you may be hoping that I never attempt to be a part of Web 2.0 ever again. Well on July 29th I fly to Bangladesh, where I’ll be teaching science at an International School for one year. I don’t think they’ve invented Web 2.0 in Bangladesh yet, so your prayers have been preemptively answered.
Born and raised in New Jersey, now living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Sometimes life here is difficult, but nothing is harder than resisting the urge to call this site "Blogladesh".